Temptation constantly fights to grab hold of you in various aspects of your life. It wages its strongest war against you as you try to recover from alcohol and substance abuse. The good news is that you can use effective strategies to squash the temptation and take control of your life. Here’s how:
Stay Away From Influential Places and People
Changing your environment is a huge part of preventing relapses and staying on a straight path. You must shield yourself from temptation by avoiding people and places who used to be involved in your former lifestyle. You’ll be stronger and wiser if you take that step to recreate your life.
Remember All the Negative Effects of Using
Use a “hand touching the stove” psychology and remind yourself of all the painful and negative ways that drug and alcohol use changed your life. Think about the bodily damages, relationship problems, and financial losses the habit caused you. After you take some time to remember the pain, you’ll lose the desire to touch the relapse burner.
Steer Yourself Toward Positive Activities
You can also use a replacement or substitution system whenever you think about getting re-involved with substance abuse. Do something beneficial instead of binging or splurging. Visiting a fitness center, watching a movie, or playing a musical instrument are some excellent examples of substitute activities that can give you a healthy rush.
Seek Support From a Reliable Recovery Program
A respectable and renowned recovery program can give you the tools you need to stop temptation dead in its tracks. Furthermore, it will introduce you to new people who can serve as your supporters, sponsors, and friends. Such people will hold you accountable at times when you’re tempted to use substances. They will do their best to keep you clean, sober, and grounded.
Compass Recovery Center wants to help you fight temptation by giving you the support and tools you need to win the battle. Contact us to schedule a consultation about the many recovery-based solutions we can offer you.