Having a solid support system of family and friends is one of the most crucial elements of healthy living and recovery. You can be a light in someone’s life just by offering support such as unbiased conversation, emotional support, financial assistance, or advice. Here are some ways you can tell that someone in your life could use more support from you.
One of the most apparent signs that a person needs support is when that individual reaches out randomly. Your loved one might need support if you suddenly get phones calls with no messages, late-night visits, or text messages that don’t seem to have a clear point. That person may need your support but is unclear about how to request it. You can find out more by asking some questions to try to get him or her to open up to you.
Sometimes people express their need for support by lashing out at friends and family members. It might be their way of crying for help, or it can be an indirect way of venting because of the lack of support. This person might be asking for your assistance, especially if he or she doesn’t usually exhibit abrasive behavior.

You might notice the physical symptoms of a person who carries a heavy load and needs help. Those symptoms may include tiredness, random illnesses, a sluggish demeanor and posture, or a general lack of interest in many activities. The individual could be suffering from depression and need a kind and caring person for support.
Compass Recovery Center is a full-fledged recovery facility that can help your loved one if he or she is suffering from substance addiction. You can support that person by contacting us or providing that person with our information to start the journey to recovery.